Snes ms pacman game genie
Snes ms pacman game genie

snes ms pacman game genie snes ms pacman game genie

Lance 77:HealRod D0:ThiefKnife F0:Crystal 40:Imp Halberd 70:MithrilRod D9:Assassin F9:Falchion 49:Imperial 79:Fire Rodĭ1:Man Eater F1:Soul Sabre 41:Kodachi 71:Ice Lance 74:Sky Render D7:Air Lancet F7:Enhancer 47:Aura Snowfield in Narshe, before entering hole behind EsperĭD=0 FF=17 44=34 77=51 00=68 99=85 10=100 55=119 66=136 BB=153 CC=170 88=187 *Note: Do not set speed or vigorĭD:Dirk FD:Epee 4D:Partisan 7D:Aura DF:MithrilKnife FF:Break Blade 4F:Pearl Lance 7F:Strato D4:Guardian F4:Drainer 44:Gold Opera house and (?) until after Imperial base Under Duncan's house, codes MUST be in before you see her Shadow bails, you can get a second ghost. Possess-Erases character if successful F2:MagiTek-Terra has 8 spells, others have 4.Īfter getting Locke but before Kefka shows up Sabin knows D8:Runic DA:Lore-Only the ones Strago knows D2: Sketch D3: Control DE:Slot FD:RageįF:Leap-Only on Veldt F4:Mimic F7:Dance-Character gains dances only when Mog gets themį0:Row F9:Def F1:Jump F5:X-Magic-No spells at start, but you can learn them via Espersį6:GP Rain FB:Summon-Only works with curative Espers equipped FC:Health F8:Shock FA: The ones Cyan knows when new character starts D6:Throw DB:Tools DC:Blitz-Only the ones "XX" with the appropriate 2 digits from the tables below:ĭ4: Magic D7: Morph-Blank until Terra gets Morph D0:Revert D9:Steal D1:Capture D5:SwdTech-Only

Snes ms pacman game genie